Black is forced to make an immediate decision on move 3 and wait for the right moment to open the position. On top the author created practical difficulties for the Black. Naturally, it is not possible to find an advantage in every variation but Ravi added many detailed explanations to guide plans and aid understanding in the various positions…
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• Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess. • The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain. • It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice,…
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• The Nimzo-Indian Defense has been one of the most trusted defenses against 1.d4. • It combines fast development with a solid pawn structure, control over the center and great flexibility. • This book supplies an unique repertoire built upon positional principles, offering active piece play and a fight for the initiative. • This ground-breaking and well-structured book presents a…
• The Nimzo-Indian Defense has been one of the most trusted defenses against 1.d4. • It combines fast development with a solid pawn structure, control over the center and great flexibility. • This book supplies an unique repertoire built upon positional principles, offering active piece play and a fight for the initiative. • This ground-breaking and well-structured book presents a…
• The Barry Attack is a little rebellious but most dynamic opening • It’s one of the fastest ways to outplay your opponent in the opening. • The ‘’super repertoire’’ that always keeps Black under pressure in all variations. • Any reasonable opening set-up can work wonders for White or Black if they know it well. • Anyone who takes…
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The distinction between strategy and tactics is one of the first things any chess player learns about, but have you ever heard about statics and dynamics before? Did you know that nearly every critical decision you take in a game of chess is governed by the rules of the so-called static/dynamic balance? If not, for the sake of your own chess…
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The spirit of Indian Defenses is based on flexibility and harmony. Most of the lines are positional, not tactical in character. While playing Black, you have to accept that occasionally you will not equalize, or get surprised or out-prepared. Learning the material from this book should sharply limit the extent of such instances, thus improving your overall results. Finally, we…
Jan Werle – Unbeatable – ISBN 9789464201413 – 340 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Unbeatable "I realize that this book will not cover all open wounds, nevertheless my aim to write a manual about defense which can help us defenders enduring the hardest difficulties in practice, seems to be achieved. Personally speaking this book helped me as a defender to approach…
Herman Grooten - Key Concepts of Chess - 1 - The Hedgehog - ISBN 9789464201253 - 200 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Key Concepts of Chess - 1 - The Hedgehog "The second reason for putting this book together is that the hedgehog system is special to me. After my first introduction, I immediately became "hooked" on this trench work. Attempting…
Herman Grooten - Sleutelconcepten in het Middenspel - 1 - De Egel - ISBN 9789464201260 - 200 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Sleutelconcepten in het Middenspel - 1 - De Egel "De tweede reden om dit boek samen te stellen is dat het egelsysteem voor mij speciaal is. Na mijn eerste kennismaking, raakte ik meteen ‘verknocht’ aan dit loopgravenwerk. Terugtrekken op…
Daniel Gormally - The Comfort Zone - Keys to Your Chess Success - ISBN 9789464201222 - 264 pages. TEASER [PDF] - The Comfort Zone - Keys to Your Chess Success I’ve become increasingly convinced of this comfort zone theory to the degree where I’ve started to apply it to chess. To use the same logic, I believe a chess player…
IM's Gerard Welling & Michael Basman - U Cannot Be Serious - Avant-Garde Strategy in Chess - 9789464201147 - 304 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Avant-Garde Strategy in Chess This book is written with the intention to introduce the reader to the creative chess ideas of Michael Basman. He gave up more intense regular tournament chess around the turn of the…
Herman Grooten – Understanding Before Moving 3.2 – Sicilian Structures (Taimanov – Kan - Richter Rauzer). 424 pages. ISBN 9789464201109. Teaser [PDF] - Herman Grooten – Understanding Before Moving 3.2 – Sicilian Structures (Taimanov – Kan - Richter Rauzer) The first volume dealt with the Najdorf and Scheveningen variations, and it is now time to pay attention to three other…
Herman Grooten – Begrijp wat je doet 3.2 – Siciliaanse structuren (Taimanov – Kan - Richter Rauzer). 432 pages. ISBN 9789464201093. Teaser [PDF] - Herman Grooten – Begrijp wat je doet 3.2 – Siciliaanse structuren (Taimanov – Kan - Richter Rauzer) Nadat in het eerste deel de Najdorf- en de Scheveningenvariant aan bod zijn gekomen, is het nu de beurt…
"We hope to give the club player something to hold on to, as he really wants the question answered: how to continue if the opponent deviates from the theory?" ~ Herman Grooten Teaser [PDF] - Herman Grooten - Understanding before Moving: Part 1 (Extended Revised 2nd Edition) *Available from 29/11/2020*
"This book is definitely not a book full of theoretical lines. Of course, I will give some advice if possible and necessary. But the main purpose is to explain the structures that can result from double fianchettoed positions." ~ Daniel Hausrath
Im Verlauf des gesamten Buches, verweise ich auf strukturelle Parallelen aus bekannteren Eröffnungen, um zu zeigen, wie Ideen übertragen werden können und wurden. Somit kann der Leser seine Fähigkeit der strukturellen Wiedererkennung trainieren.
"Most tactics and training books are good for boosting your calculation ability, but they do not teach you how to calculate. This is the difference I want to make with my own books, by arranging the exercises in different categories so that the thinking process more closely resembles the one we have during a game." ~ GM Romain Edouard Teaser…
"The focus should be on understanding strategical concepts, principles and underlying logic. Fashionable opening lines will be forgotten (or re-evaluated) sooner or later, but understanding cannot be lost, and can be only upgraded. It is sad to see some players that are well equipped with opening lines, who are unable to realise a big positional advantage in an endgame. So,…
"Waarom het Siciliaans? Zoals we in ons eerste deel van Begrijp wat je doet hebben gesteld, is er niets mis met 1.e4 e5. Dat is tot de dag van vandaag nog steeds zo. Toch blijkt dat het voor sterke spelers, die met zwart tegen een Elozwakkere moeten spelen, soms heel erg lastig is om er een echte strijd van te…
€83.40Original price was: €83.40.€58.39Current price is: €58.39.
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"In the first volume I have annotated 37 games representing different aspects (chapters) of ‘chess middlegame strategies’. In the second volume of my “Chess Middlegame Strategies” series I have decided to focus on this connection between the opening and the middlegame. In the third volume I have taken strategic themes from specific openings and combined these with standard strategies such…
"My aim in this book, as well as its two predecessors, is not only to help you improve your middlegame understanding but to give you new and different ideas/concepts to employ in your own play." ~ Ivan Sokolov
Hans Böhm & Yochanan Afek - The Royal Chess Couple in Action. ISBN 9789492510570. 384 pages. "The Royal Chess Couple is a combined attempt to introduce the various traits of the most significant piece with the most powerful piece on the chessboard." ~ Yochanan Afek Teaser [PDF] - The Royal Chess Couple in Action
"A lot of the topics listed demand a very straightforward type of thinking or approach. However it also happens that chess players often discover significant resources which formally exist outside the typical rules of chess. Those who know how to break all the rules and work around those specific guidelines reach the very top." ~ Evgeny Bareev
"If he thinks an idea will work over the board, the notion of risk is irrelevant to him. He wants to be on the attack and believes an objectively inferior position isn’t necessarily bad if his opponent needs to find several difficult defensive moves. “If that’s the only move for my opponent, let’s enter the line and see if he…
“In my view the average club player will be more pleased with an opening book in which a profusion of ideas is offered. If this is also structured, you can hope that the readers will acquire the necessary understanding of standard positions.” ~ Herman Grooten
"I found the idea to switch sides. By this, I mean to look at games from White’s perspective and then from Black’s. A rather interesting concept, as things often appear quite different, depending on the viewpoint." ~ Christian Bauer Teaser [PDF] - Candidate Moves
The problems in the book are accessible to players with a level from modest to confident. The most difficult ones are marked with an asterisk, while the most challenging chapter comes with a help page, that you may check when necessary.
The problems in the book are accessible to players with a level from modest to confident. The most difficult ones are marked with an asterisk, while the most challenging chapter comes with a help page, that you may check when necessary.