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- English, Psychology, Strategy
It is Never Too Late to Become a Grandmaster
- €33.95
- Rated 4.33 out of 5
- Vladimir Okhotnic – It is Never Too Late to Become a Grandmaster – ISBN 9789464201284 – 320 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Vladimir Okhotnic – It is Never Too Late to Become a Grandmaster “Chess is not for the faint of heart,” Steinitz once said. I agree 100%! Chess players do not need pumped up muscles, they need a stable neuropsychic…
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- Psychology, English, Strategy
Miguel Najdorf – El Viejo – Life, Games & Stories
- €39.95
- Rated 4.83 out of 5
- Zenon Franco Ocampos - Miguel Najdorf - El Viejo - Life, Games & Stories - ISBN 9789464201130 - 720 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Miguel Najdorf - El Viejo - Life, Games & Stories How could anyone not remember Najdorf’s sayings, repeated again and again, as entertaining as the first time he said them: “I had a ve-e-ery wise aunt, who…
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- Strategy, English, Psychology
Forgotten Genius – The Life and Games of Grandmaster Albin Planinc
- €33.95
- Rated 4.88 out of 5
- G.Mohr & A.Mikhalchishin - Forgotten Genius - The Life and Games of Grandmaster Albin Planinc - ISBN 9789464201291 - 407 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Forgotten Genius - The Life and Games of Grandmaster Albin Planinc This fascinating biography of over eighty-five annotated games and stories are being presented by grandmasters Georg Mohr and Adrian Mikhalchishin. It covers Planinc’ entire life…
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- Strategy, English, Middlegame, Opening, Psychology
The Comfort Zone – Keys to Your Chess Success
- €29.50
- Rated 4.67 out of 5
- Daniel Gormally - The Comfort Zone - Keys to Your Chess Success - ISBN 9789464201222 - 264 pages. TEASER [PDF] - The Comfort Zone - Keys to Your Chess Success I’ve become increasingly convinced of this comfort zone theory to the degree where I’ve started to apply it to chess. To use the same logic, I believe a chess player…
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- Psychology, English, Strategy
Improve Your Life by Playing a Game – Learn how to turn your life activities into lifelong skills
- €32.00
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "The book Improve Your Life by Playing a Game takes us on an exciting journey through a wide range of topics from psychology and explains these topics by putting the reader in the role of a tournament chess player. Gaining a deeper understanding of the mind of a chess player during training, playing and analysing chess games suddenly takes on…
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- French, Psychology
100 ans d’histoire du jeu d’échecs en Belgique
- €25.00
- Rated 4.67 out of 5
- "Il y a cent ans, quatre clubs belges ont fondé la Fédération nationale des échecs. Pour célébrer son anniversaire, je voudrais rendre un hommage personnel à la Fédération en ma qualité de vice-président d'Europchess, le club des institutions européennes." ~ Frank Hoffmeister Teaser [PDF] - Frank Hoffmeister - 100 ans d'histoire du jeu d’échecs en Belgique - un hommage personnel…
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- German, Psychology
100 Jahre belgische Schachgeschichte
- €25.00
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "Neulinge dse königlichen Spiels mögen dies etwas sonderbar finden, aber andere, die täglich das Schach zum Leben erwecken, werden begeistert sein, die belgische Geschichte ihrer Leidenschaft zu entdecken." ~ Günter Delhaes, Präsident des Königlichen Schachbundes Belgien. Teaser [PDF] - Frank Hoffmeister - 100 Jahre Belgische Schachgeschichte eine persönliche Hommage an den königlichen Schachbund Belgien mit 50 Partien *Available from 01/12/2020*
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- Dutch, Psychology
100 jaar Belgische schaakgeschiedenis
- €25.00
- Rated 4.25 out of 5
- "Beginnende schakers zullen hier en daar de wenkbrauwen fronsen. De doorgewinterde schaker zal op bijzondere wijze kunnen genieten van een rijke geschiedenis van het schaken in België." ~ Günter Delhaes, voorzitter van de Koninklijke Belgische Schaakbond. Teaser [PDF] - Frank Hoffmeister - 100 jaar Belgische schaakgeschiedenis een persoonlijk eerbetoon aan de Koninklijke Belgische Schaakbond met 50 partijen *Available from 01/12/2020*
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- Psychology, English, Strategy, Tactics
Universal Chess Training
- €39.00
- Rated 4.90 out of 5
- Are you struggling with your chess development? While dedicating hours and hours on improving your craft, your rating simply does not want to move upwards? Spending loads of money on chess books and DVDs, but feeling no real improvement at all? No worries – the book that you are holding in your hands might represent a game changer! Teaser [PDF…
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- Psychology, English, Strategy
A Feast of Chess in Time of Plague – Candidates Tournament 2020 – Part 1 – Yekaterinburg
- €25.00
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "The balanced flow of the normal chess calendar was unexpectedly interrupted by a frightening occurrence. Seemingly harmless at first, the coronavirus pandemic overtook more and newer countries by the day and gradually became pretty much the main, and only determining factor in life. The Candidates Tournament was threatened as well. Whether it would be held at all was pretty much…
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- English, Psychology, Strategy
Sherlock’s Method – The Working Tool for the Club Player
- €31.95
- Rated 4.75 out of 5
- "Their idea in the book is to help players train for tournaments by working on all aspects of the game and looking at problems in a wholesome way. They have a wide variety of topics from a wide variety of players." ~ GM Magesh Panchanathan Teaser [PDF] - E. Moradiabadi & S. Foisor - Sherlock's Method - The Working Tool…
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- Strategy, English, Psychology, Tactics
Thinkers’ Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther – Volume 2: From Tactics to Strategy – Winning Knowledge
- €29.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- Thomas Luther - Thinkers' Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther - Volume 2: From Tactics to Strategy - Winning Knowledge - 312 pages - ISBN 9789492510891. Teaser [PDF] - 2. Thomas Luther - Thinkers' Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther - Volume 2: From Tactics to Strategy - Winning Knowledge In this book we will not only show you more tactical motifs,…
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- Strategy, English, Psychology
Modern Chess Formula – The Powerful Impact of Engines
- €33.95
- Rated 4.80 out of 5
- "The engine has become the “Holy Cow” to which all chess players now pray regardless of their religious convictions or rating. Far from being a foe or rival it has become an invaluable helper, consultant and the highest of authorities. Since the highest of all oracles is soulless and cynical it is ready to help anyone ignoring opinions and preferences."…
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- Strategy, English, Psychology
My Chess World
- €35.95
- Rated 4.90 out of 5
- "This book is not a pure (auto)biography, rather a games collection. It consists mainly of interesting high-class games played by me, including many losses. Most of the games are preceded by accompanying texts, which vary from essays to tournament reports. The title of the book might seem presumptuous, but I wanted to show how I see or experience the competitions…
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- English, Psychology, Strategy
The Grandmaster Mindset – A First Course to Chess Improvement
- €22.95
- Rated 4.78 out of 5
- "To be able to raise your level of play you will need to work hard on your chess. This book will arm you with some important chess ideas and skills but, more importantly, you will get into the grandmaster’s mind. I don’t want you to play chess the following way: he attacked me -- I need to move away, I…
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