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- Strategy, English, Psychology
The Chess Scalpel – 32 Master Games Dissected
- €30.00
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- Franco Zenon – The Chess Scalpel – 32 Master Games Dissected – ISBN 9789464201512 – 288 pages. Teaser [PDF] - The Chess Scalpel The idea behind this book is for you to ‘play’ as in a real game, and it is my job to ensure you have a pleasant time while training. I suggest you take at least an hour…
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- Opening, English
Beat the Anti-Sicilians
- €29.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- Robert Ris – Beat the Anti-Sicilians – ISBN 9789464201369 – 248 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Beat the Anti-Sicilians When I decided to write The Modernized Sveshnikov (June 2020) I knew that I was basically committing myself to covering the Anti-Sicilians in a separate book as well. After all, what’s a book on the Sveshnikov alone worth when your opponents decide…
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- Opening, English
The Modernized Sicilian Kan
- €30.95
- Rated 4.67 out of 5
- Adrien Demuth - The Modernized Sicilian Kan – ISBN 9789464201383 – 260 pages. Teaser [PDF] - The Modernized Sicilian Kan "I have always been interested by less theoretical Sicilians. I have been playing the Classical Sicilian for a long time and right before the covid period, I decided to find a new one. The Sicilian Kan came to me as…
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- Opening, English
The Modernized King’s Indian – Mar del Plata
- €27.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- Milos Pavlovic - The Modernized King’s Indian - Mar del Plata – ISBN 9789464201406 – 243 pages. Teaser [PDF] - The Modernized King’s Indian - Mar del Plata "The Mar Del Plata is probably the single most comprehensive variation of the King’s Indian in terms of the volume of possibilities and strategic richness. Even aside from players who wish to…
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- Middlegame, English, Psychology, Strategy
- €32.95
- Rated 4.57 out of 5
- Jan Werle – Unbeatable – ISBN 9789464201413 – 340 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Unbeatable "I realize that this book will not cover all open wounds, nevertheless my aim to write a manual about defense which can help us defenders enduring the hardest difficulties in practice, seems to be achieved. Personally speaking this book helped me as a defender to approach…
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- Opening, English
Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook
- €32.95
- Rated 4.30 out of 5
- Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook – ISBN 9789464201345 - 352 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook But let me now explain the idea of this second book. I will show you some 18 games with the more or less current trends in the double fianchetto. These games include some openings like the…
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- English, Opening
Beat the French Defense with 3. Nc3 – A Complete Repertoire for White
- €32.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- Pentala Harikrishna – Beat the French Defense with 3.Nc3 – A Complete Repertoire for White – ISBN 9789492510976 – 456 pages. "The French Defense was my main opening with Black while I was striving towards the GM title at the turn of the century. Quite often, I was able to use it to drag my opponent into a complicated maze…
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- Opening, English, Strategy
Unconventional Approaches to Modern Chess – Volume 2 – Rare Ideas for White
- €30.95
- Rated 4.63 out of 5
- To win a game, it is enough to be just a little bit better than your opponent. To make this happen, especially when facing a strong player, you must force your opponent to solve practical problems. You must get them into a position where the cost of a potential mistake is much higher than usual. ~ GM Alexander Ipatov
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- Endgame, English, Strategy
Your Jungle Guide to Rook Endings
- €31.95
- Rated 4.50 out of 5
- "The endgame is the moment of truth. It is the phase of the game where we will try to reap the seeds of our effort regardless of whether that is the full point of victory or the half point of the draw. The significance of errors increases in the endgame as the opportunities for correcting them are few." ~ Efstratios…
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- Opening, English, Middlegame, Strategy
Double Fianchetto – The Modern Chess Lifestyle
- €28.95
- Rated 4.50 out of 5
- "This book is definitely not a book full of theoretical lines. Of course, I will give some advice if possible and necessary. But the main purpose is to explain the structures that can result from double fianchettoed positions." ~ Daniel Hausrath
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- English, Tactics
Thinkers’ Chess Academy with Grandmaster Thomas Luther – Volume 1 – First Steps in Tactics.
- €29.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "This book is written for chess friends who are beginners or hobby players without much experience and who want to improve to lower club level. If you are already somewhat stronger you may not like the idea of learning from scratch. But sometimes going a step back in order to take two steps forwards is a good idea." ~ GM…
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- German, Middlegame, Strategy
- €29.95
- Im Verlauf des gesamten Buches, verweise ich auf strukturelle Parallelen aus bekannteren Eröffnungen, um zu zeigen, wie Ideen übertragen werden können und wurden. Somit kann der Leser seine Fähigkeit der strukturellen Wiedererkennung trainieren.
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- Psychology, Strategy, English
Together with Mamedyarov
- €30.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- “Together With Mamedyarov” is not a collection of his selected games but it is primarily a study-book. It contains test positions taken from games of the famous Azeri grandmaster with detailed comments on the solutions to the tasks. In this book the solutions have been placed right after a diagram with a test except for the six positions given as a warm-up in the beginning…
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- Middlegame, English, Strategy
Fundamental Chess Strategy in 100 Games
- €38.95
- Rated 4.79 out of 5
- "The focus should be on understanding strategical concepts, principles and underlying logic. Fashionable opening lines will be forgotten (or re-evaluated) sooner or later, but understanding cannot be lost, and can be only upgraded. It is sad to see some players that are well equipped with opening lines, who are unable to realise a big positional advantage in an endgame. So,…
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