The core material of this book has 365 positions. The reader is given a daily task. These tasks resemble those that players face over the board. In this book we have collected typical positions and situations frequently seen. If you master these you can avoid a lot of common mistakes. Or even better, you can exploit your opponent's mistake. There…
Finally, the epic photo journey of Fred Lucas, clearly one of the best photographers around, got caught into this amazing book. It’s simple unique and has no competitors. Fred Lucas’ photos have the power to connect people across time and distance. His photos capture moments and emotions that transcend language and cultural barriers. They preserve memories and remind us of…
A repertoire for Black providing all answers to White’s options. Paced with exciting games, original ideas and analysis. Thorough and up-to-date coverage of one of the most topical openings. Positionally motivated lines, but none the less never forgetting the needed dynamics. Aggressive ideas to tackle head-on white’s solid set-ups.
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The hardcover book is written with a lot of knowledge about, feeling for and love for the unique chess player Rolf Martens was. Few people in Swedish chess have had such a mythological status as the man of rebellion or resistance. Martens’ life is really made for being documented, and this well-written and well-researched book illustrates his many sides and…
Black is forced to make an immediate decision on move 3 and wait for the right moment to open the position. On top the author created practical difficulties for the Black. Naturally, it is not possible to find an advantage in every variation but Ravi added many detailed explanations to guide plans and aid understanding in the various positions…
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The French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite opening! The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines. In the case of the most popular moves…
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• Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess. • The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain. • It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice,…
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• The Nimzo-Indian Defense has been one of the most trusted defenses against 1.d4. • It combines fast development with a solid pawn structure, control over the center and great flexibility. • This book supplies an unique repertoire built upon positional principles, offering active piece play and a fight for the initiative. • This ground-breaking and well-structured book presents a…
• The Nimzo-Indian Defense has been one of the most trusted defenses against 1.d4. • It combines fast development with a solid pawn structure, control over the center and great flexibility. • This book supplies an unique repertoire built upon positional principles, offering active piece play and a fight for the initiative. • This ground-breaking and well-structured book presents a…
• The Barry Attack is a little rebellious but most dynamic opening • It’s one of the fastest ways to outplay your opponent in the opening. • The ‘’super repertoire’’ that always keeps Black under pressure in all variations. • Any reasonable opening set-up can work wonders for White or Black if they know it well. • Anyone who takes…
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The distinction between strategy and tactics is one of the first things any chess player learns about, but have you ever heard about statics and dynamics before? Did you know that nearly every critical decision you take in a game of chess is governed by the rules of the so-called static/dynamic balance? If not, for the sake of your own chess…
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Here is what has been added to this edition: More accurate and extensive annotations using ChessBase and Stockfish 14. Torre’s own annotations to several games have been unearthed and added. Added games to give a more rounded view of Torre. Also the six games between players other than Torre that he annotated for the Mexican Championship tournament book. Many more…
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The spirit of Indian Defenses is based on flexibility and harmony. Most of the lines are positional, not tactical in character. While playing Black, you have to accept that occasionally you will not equalize, or get surprised or out-prepared. Learning the material from this book should sharply limit the extent of such instances, thus improving your overall results. Finally, we…
In addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep, we followed – in an original manner – our two main concepts: ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen-style) and ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen-style). The latest fashion, which we have to mention, did not even exist when we started to write our book – the 7.Qf3 line.…
TEASER: PREVIEW TCA 3 Not every reader is ambitious enough or has enough time to work very hard on his chess. That’s quite understandable and nothing to be ashamed of. You can enjoy chess very well without being a strong tournament player. You could just entertain yourself by playing through interesting combinations. In this case don’t try too hard to…