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- English, Opening
The Bg5 Najdorf Revisited – Volume 2
- €34.95
- Rated 4.83 out of 5
- Lukasz Jarmula – The Bg5 Najdorf Revisited – Volume 2 – ISBN 9789464201352 – 416 pages. Teaser [PDF] - The Bg5 Najdorf Revisited – Volume 2 Do you relish the prospect of setting your opponent awkward problems from the early start of the game? If so, you should just continue reading, for in the Bg5 Najdorf, it’s every man for…
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- English, Opening
The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited – Volume 1
- €33.95
- Rated 4.83 out of 5
- Lukasz Jarmula – The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited – Volume 1 – ISBN 9789464201338 – 352 pages. Teaser [PDF] - The Najdorf Bg5 Revisited – Volume 1 Do you relish the prospect of setting your opponent awkward problems from the early start of the game? If so, you should just continue reading, for in the Bg5 Najdorf, it’s every man for…
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- Psychology, English, Strategy
Miguel Najdorf – El Viejo – Life, Games & Stories
- €39.95
- Rated 4.83 out of 5
- Zenon Franco Ocampos - Miguel Najdorf - El Viejo - Life, Games & Stories - ISBN 9789464201130 - 720 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Miguel Najdorf - El Viejo - Life, Games & Stories How could anyone not remember Najdorf’s sayings, repeated again and again, as entertaining as the first time he said them: “I had a ve-e-ery wise aunt, who…
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- Opening, English
Beat the Najdorf & Taimanov Sicilians!
- €26.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "I got to know Sethu more closely a few years back when we trained together a few times. I found him to be meticulous in his preparation and especially at home in complex positions. These qualities make him perfect for these two Sicilans and I am sure after reading this book, you (the reader) will be ready to confidently explore…
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- Opening, Strategy, English
Understanding before Moving 3.1: Sicilian Structures – The Najdorf and Scheveningen
- €31.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "But I am writing for an audience that, by and large, is not interested in chess as a memory contest. So I’m not going to offer you lots of novelties and dense variation trees. On the contrary. The approach is to take the reader into the seemingly impenetrable labyrinth of variations without flinching, but then to base my comments on…
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- Middlegame, Dutch, Strategy
Begrijp wat je doet 3.1 (Najdorf & Scheveningen)
- €27.95
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "Waarom het Siciliaans? Zoals we in ons eerste deel van Begrijp wat je doet hebben gesteld, is er niets mis met 1.e4 e5. Dat is tot de dag van vandaag nog steeds zo. Toch blijkt dat het voor sterke spelers, die met zwart tegen een Elozwakkere moeten spelen, soms heel erg lastig is om er een echte strijd van te…
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- Psychology, Dutch
Koningen van het schaakbord
- €25.70
- Rated 5.00 out of 5
- "In dit boek treden de grootste schakers uit de geschiedenis voor het voetlicht, de kampioenen die in hun tijd de grootste waren." ~ Paul van der Sterren
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- Opening, English
The Modernized Najdorf
- €29.80
- "Learning the Najdorf will help all players to understand Sicilians in a better way. Different aspects of chess such as defence, attack and sacrifice, positional themes and tactical storms, can be found in this book." ~ Milos Pavlovic
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