- Biography, special edition, English
Illuminating Chess
- €45.00
- Finally, the epic photo journey of Fred Lucas, clearly one of the best photographers around, got caught into this amazing book. It’s simple unique and has no competitors. Fred Lucas’ photos have the power to connect people across time and distance. His photos capture moments and emotions that transcend language and cultural barriers. They preserve memories and remind us of…
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- English, Biography
Rolf Martens: Chess Genius – Maoist – Rebel
- €55.00
- The hardcover book is written with a lot of knowledge about, feeling for and love for the unique chess player Rolf Martens was. Few people in Swedish chess have had such a mythological status as the man of rebellion or resistance. Martens’ life is really made for being documented, and this well-written and well-researched book illustrates his many sides and…
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