• The Modernized Nimzovich Defense 1. e4 Nc6! Quick View
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      The Modernized Nimzovich Defense 1. e4 Nc6! Quick View
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    • The Modernized Nimzovich Defense 1. e4 Nc6!

    • Original price was: €29.00.Current price is: €20.30.
    • There is no doubt that the Nimzovich Defense is one of Black’s most inspiring openings after 1.e4. Black strives to unbalance the position by creating new problems for White from move two, giving himself every opportunity to fight for the initiative from the outset. It is no surprise that 1…Nc6 appeals ambitious players who relish a complicated battle. Teaser [PDF]…
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  • Kandidatenzüge Quick View
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      Kandidatenzüge Quick View
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    • Kandidatenzüge

    • Original price was: €29.95.Current price is: €20.96.
    • Im Verlauf des gesamten Buches, verweise ich auf strukturelle Parallelen aus bekannteren Eröffnungen, um zu zeigen, wie Ideen übertragen werden können und wurden. Somit kann der Leser seine Fähigkeit der strukturellen Wiedererkennung trainieren.
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  • Candidate Moves Quick View
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      Candidate Moves Quick View
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    • Candidate Moves

    • Original price was: €31.85.Current price is: €22.29.
    • "I found the idea to switch sides. By this, I mean to look at games from White’s perspective and then from Black’s. A rather interesting concept, as things often appear quite different, depending on the viewpoint." ~ Christian Bauer Teaser [PDF] - Candidate Moves
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  • Coups Candidats Quick View
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      Coups Candidats Quick View
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    • Coups Candidats

    • Original price was: €28.80.Current price is: €20.16.
    • Les Coups-candidats est le quatrième livre de Christian et son premier en collaboration avec Thinkers Publishing. Christian s’attaque à l’un des enjeux les plus importants aux échecs : comment choisir les coups-candidats. Il illustre et discute de différents thèmes, tels que la façon d’aborder un territoire inexploré, utiliser ses connaissances, se fier à son intuition ou encore simplement jouer de manière…
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