Double Fianchetto – The Modern Chess Lifestyle (bundle)

Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Modern Chess Lifestyle – ISBN 9789492510754 – 282 pages

Teaser – Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Modern Chess Lifestyle [PDF]

I became an IM in 1997 and a GM in 2013. Many of my students have asked me when I will start writing a book, because they know that I like writing and explaining things. I come from a teaching family; my father was a teacher at a German academic high school and I always loved and still love reading and writing. Nowadays it is no longer easy to find enough silence for reading, because I have three small children between the ages of 3 and 6.

This book is definitely not a book full of theoretical lines. Of course, I will give some advice if possible and necessary. But the main purpose is to explain the structures that can result from double fianchettoed positions. The reader will find five chapters with structures from the white side and six chapters with structures from the black side. The last chapter is a mixed one, with games from both sides. The main — and longest — part will be the first chapter, with games and analyses of my own main weapon starting with Nf3, g3 and b3 against the King’s Indian and Grünfeld. I will show the reader a few games of my own and also games from Kramnik and Andersson, two of my favourite players.

I have learned a lot from their games myself. I have played those structures for nearly 25 years and one of my sons also now starts with 1.Nf3. During my years of playing chess I tried many possible openings with White and Black, but I was only successful with fianchettoing one, or even better both, bishops. Maybe this was a sign and those structures are really a lifestyle for me? I hope you will enjoy reading this book and maybe these structures will also become part of your lifestyle. ~ Daniel Hausrath

Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook – ISBN 9789464201345 – 352 pages.

Teaser [PDF] – Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook

I have to admit that I had not planned to start writing again so soon after the publication of the first book, but as everybody knows the world went into the Corona pandemic which completely changed everybody’s life.

After many years without playing online I began to play some online blitz on a regular basis, just to have some practice. Normally I would have played some tournaments, but at the moment of writing, nobody can say when we can start playing regular tournament chess again. Of course online chess cannot replace over-the-board chess, but it is definitely better than nothing.

But let me now explain the idea of this second book. I will show you some 18 games with the more or less current trends in the double fianchetto. These games include some openings like the Tarrasch and the King’s Indian, just to name a few.

The main part of the book is divided into exercises and solutions, with 110 positions taken from double fianchetto games. I have divided the exercises into chapters, with each chapter featuring games by players who have deployed the double fianchetto quite often. You will find a lot of typical motifs used by these players.

In this part you will also detect a few examples of play by the legendary German IM Podzielny, who died in the summer of 2019 at the legendary chess age of 64. My heart urged me to write something about him, because I knew him for a long time and he was a very special person.

The difficulty level ranges from very easy through to very tough, but I won’t give points for the solutions. The ideas vary from tactics to important strategic subtleties. The reader decides how honestly he or she tries to solve these exercises. It is also not necessary to solve all of them, but it is definitely important to think about these positions and take your time. The reader should gain an impression of the many ideas and structures which are possible in the double fianchetto positions.

Sometimes you will find the complete games in the solutions section, but sometimes you will only find the most important moves up to a certain point, because the rest would be irrelevant to the topic. In some solutions I also give the first moves, because I guess that it would be very interesting to know which move order was played to reach the positions in question.

Hopefully I can give the reader more input and knowledge about those preferred structures. I am sure that you will get a much better feeling for this type of position if you try to solve all the exercises and think honestly about the moves you would like to play. Some exercises will be very difficult, but don’t be down in the mouth. The main idea is that you try to think about the moves as if they were yours in a tournament game. The annotations in the solutions should help you to get a deeper understanding. Hopefully I found some nice examples which will be enjoyable and helpful.


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Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Modern Chess Lifestyle – ISBN 9789492510754 – 282 pages

Teaser – Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Modern Chess Lifestyle [PDF]

“This book is definitely not a book full of theoretical lines. Of course, I will give some advice if possible and necessary. But the main purpose is to explain the structures that can result from double fianchettoed positions.” ~ Daniel Hausrath

Daniel Hausrath – Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook – ISBN 9789464201345 – 352 pages.

Teaser [PDF] – Double Fianchetto – The Ultimate Workbook

But let me now explain the idea of this second book. I will show you some 18 games with the more or less current trends in the double fianchetto. These games include some openings like the Tarrasch and the King’s Indian, just to name a few.

The main part of the book is divided into exercises and solutions, with 110 positions taken from double fianchetto games. I have divided the exercises into chapters, with each chapter featuring games by players who have deployed the double fianchetto quite often. You will find a lot of typical motifs used by these players.

The difficulty level ranges from very easy through to very tough, but I won’t give points for the solutions. The ideas vary from tactics to important strategic subtleties. The reader decides how honestly he or she tries to solve these exercises. It is also not necessary to solve all of them, but it is definitely important to think about these positions and take your time. The reader should gain an impression of the many ideas and structures which are possible in the double fianchetto positions.