1.d4! The Chess Bible – Mastering Queen’s Pawn Structures

IM Armin Juhasz – 1.d4! The Chess Bible – Mastering Queen’s Pawn Structures –  284 pages – ISBN 9789464201116. A fully theoretically updated new work on how to play these most important Queen’s Pawn Structures. 

Teaser [PDF] – 1.d4! The Chess Bible – Mastering Queen’s Pawn Structures

This book aims to provide a complete overview of a 1.d4 repertoire against five main openings (King’s Indian Defense, Grünfeld Defense, Slav Defense, Benoni Defense, and Catalan Opening), offering analysis of classical games and typical tactical motifs to provide an in-depth understanding of the associated middlegames. A concluding chapter explores typical endgames that are likely to arise from 1.d4.


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IM Armin Juhasz – 1.d4! The Chess Bible – Mastering Queen’s Pawn Structures –  284 pages – ISBN 9789464201116. A fully theoretically updated new work on how to play these most important Queen’s Pawn Structures. 

Teaser [PDF] – 1.d4! The Chess Bible – Mastering Queen’s Pawn Structures

Dear Reader,

In what way is this book special? How can it make someone a better player? These are perfectly legitimate questions and whenever I buy a new chess book, I essentially ask the same ones.

The short answer is that this book will give you a comprehensive understanding of the chosen openings. Unlike many other books with a similar profile, it goes beyond pure theory and in addition to giving a great deal of practical advice, it touches on issues such as sample games, typical tactical strikes and, in the last chapter, endgames. On top of all this, a homework section enables you to immerse yourself in a given topic and achieve an in-depth understanding of it in your own time.

We follow this structure because as a coach, I know how important it is to receive as much guidance as possible on a new opening. Only this can lead to true mastery.

Let me recommend this book to any player who wants to learn more about closed openings, adopt a new approach to chess and build up a thorough and sophisticated repertoire. I have tested these openings with my students with good results, so I believe this book is suitable for anyone with an Elo rating from 1600-2500.

This book aims to provide a complete overview of a 1.d4 repertoire against five main openings (King’s Indian Defense, Grünfeld Defense, Slav Defense, Benoni Defense, and Catalan systems after 1.d4 d5), offering analysis of classical games and typical tactical motifs to provide an in-depth understanding of the associated middlegames. A concluding chapter explores typical endgames that are likely to arise from 1.d4.

Each chapter includes a thorough discussion of a particular opening, answering questions such as what types of players choose it, which world champions played it, or how games typically proceed afterwards.

  • Classical games by grandmasters
  • Annotated games to demonstrate how White can play 1.d4
  • Examples and analysis
  • Typical tactical motifs
  • Exercises for individual practice
  • Tips against the given opening

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19 reviews for 1.d4! The Chess Bible – Mastering Queen’s Pawn Structures

  1. David Fourrage (verified owner)

  2. Thomas Morkore (verified owner)

    Really good service and fast delevery.

  3. Laszlo Toth

    I just received the book, it looks great and elegant.
    I know Armin for a long time. He is a great coach and a real opening expert. I would recommend the book to every ambitious chess player!

  4. Szalay-Ocsak Bank

    My new favorite book! I like the method and the excersises. The homework part is also cool.

  5. Stefan Boehm

    The Book is full of good chess! I like the recommandation 5.h4! against the Grünfeld very much. But I do have a problem with the recommandation against the King’s Indian Defense. This new treatment of the Petrosian System with 9.Be3 instead of 9.Bh4 leads to very complex positions and the main line is probably too risky for white. The position in the following line after 17.Ng6 is given as “the theoretically critical position” but only 2 moves later white is fighting for a draw. After the moves given in the book black is even better if he plays 19… Re5 instead of 19…Nc5.

    1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 e5 7. d5 a5 8. Bg5 h6 9. Be3 Ng4 10. Bd2 f5 11. h3 Nf6 12. exf5 gxf5 13. Qc1 f4 14. g3 e4 15. Nh4 e3 16. fxe3 fxg3 17. Ng6 Re8 18. Nf4 Na6 19. Qb1 (better is 19. Rg1 Nc5 20. Bf3 Bf5 21. Ke2=) 19… Re5 =/+

  6. Bob Kraemer

    Armin Juhasz is a young and gifted Teacher and author that knows how to present this material very well. Well written and on target for most average club players and aspiring Chess lovers. I think most players will learn a lot from this book!

  7. Agnes F.

    Great book! I love the system and the exapmles. Fresh, modern, fun and educational at the same time! I would recommend it to every club player who wants to know more about 1.d4. It’s way more than an opening book…

  8. Bela Botlik

    The book that chess players have been waiting for. It is very well structured, understandable, useful and modern. We are looking forward to reading the next book from IM Armin Juhasz!

    • Tido Kruze

      In September his next book! We are most happy you enjoyed his work!

  9. Bokorovics Bertalan

    Full of fresh and interesting ideas, great first book from him!

  10. Dr. Bertalan Meskó

    The first book of IM Ármin Juhász has an ambitious title but lives up to the expectations. It’s incredibly logical, well-written and witty, showing the unique educational skills of IM Juhász, being the second youngest FIDE trainer in the world. As the book describes, it’s useful for chess players between 1600 and 2400. Although, I’m sure everyone can find new thoughts and ideas in it. Highly recommended!

    • Tido Kruze

      We fully agree your kind remarks, and guess what, his second book is arriving, end of September this year!

      Best regards, TP Editorial

  11. Rasmus Petersen (verified owner)

  12. Antonio Sala Espí (verified owner)

  13. Gerard (verified owner)

    Openings for 95% of the players (except the top) should be about understanding and that is what this book is all about.

  14. Daniel Lee

    I found the book truly educational and fun to read! I use the recommended lines in my online rapid and blitz games and my rating went up 150 points. I am sure that all club players will learn several new ideas from the book. It’s definitely more than a nomral opening book (it covers tactics, chess history, endgames, example games etc.).

  15. Dóri Somodi (verified owner)

  16. Anonymous (verified owner)

  17. Carl-René Andresen (verified owner)

    The given lines seem to be ambitious and understandable. The chapters are organized well, and you get a the tactics of an certain opening within the book.
    Cons are, as I can see up to now, that the general overview of an Opening is not stated (meaning: what is the general idea behind the opening? Where do the peaces stand in an ideal world? What are the ideas of black, I have to work against). Also alot of theory to other important openings on the way are missing (QGA, Tarasch Defence). But that was clear from the start, since the author just wants to give insights into the five openings he is discussing.
    But the book is great to read and the author shows a modern style of Play.

  18. Richard (verified owner)

    A general comment about all my recent purchases. I have to admit that in the past there were a few delivery glitches with books bought from Thinkers Publishing. Apparently this was not because of the company in se, but because of carelessness by the delivery service. However, these issues have been completely resolved and all my recent purchases have been delivered very promptly, impeccably packed (as always) and – as a bonus – I could benefit from some special offers. So full kudos to Thinkers Publishing!

  19. Alfredo Battaglia (verified owner)

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