Vishnu Warrier – The Chess Bible – Most Instructive Tips, Axioms, One-Liners & Mantras. ISBN 9789464201659 – 384 pages. As a result, many improve their chess skills very fast and raise hundreds of points in a short time. Yet, many spend years in confusion not being able to improve. What’s the correct approach in this tricky world? How to get maximum…
GM Peter Prohaszka – Your Jungle Guide to Chess Tactics – Sharpen your Tactical Skills! – ISBN 9789464201062 – 500 pages. Teaser [PDF] - GM Peter Prohaszka – Your Jungle Guide to Chess Tactics – Sharpen your Tactical Skills! There are two parts to this book. The first 17 chapters elaborate on the most important motifs in practical chess. The…
Thomas Luther - Thinkers' Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther - Volume 2: From Tactics to Strategy - Winning Knowledge - 312 pages - ISBN 9789492510891. Teaser [PDF] - 2. Thomas Luther - Thinkers' Chess Academy with GM Thomas Luther - Volume 2: From Tactics to Strategy - Winning Knowledge In this book we will not only show you more tactical motifs,…
"Most tactics and training books are good for boosting your calculation ability, but they do not teach you how to calculate. This is the difference I want to make with my own books, by arranging the exercises in different categories so that the thinking process more closely resembles the one we have during a game." ~ GM Romain Edouard Teaser…
The problems in the book are accessible to players with a level from modest to confident. The most difficult ones are marked with an asterisk, while the most challenging chapter comes with a help page, that you may check when necessary.
The problems in the book are accessible to players with a level from modest to confident. The most difficult ones are marked with an asterisk, while the most challenging chapter comes with a help page, that you may check when necessary.
The problems in the book are accessible to players with a level from modest to confident. The most difficult ones are marked with an asterisk, while the most challenging chapter comes with a help page, that you may check when necessary.