Hardback - 520 pages A Complete Opening Repertoire for Black after 1…e6 - Nicolas Yap A full Black repertoire grounded in answering 1…e6 against any move! The answer against 1. d4 is the Stonewall, while the answer against 1. e4 is the French. The repertoire is geared towards all levels due to its flexibility. The Stonewall Dutch is a defense…
V.Kotronias & M.Ivanov – Your Jungle Guide to 1.d4 1B – Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Agressive Enterprise - ISBN 9789464201246 – 480 pages. Teaser [PDF] - Your Jungle Guide to 1.d4 1B – Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Agressive Enterprise What you are holding in your hands is the natural follow up of Volume 1 where some “lesser” openings aft er…
There is no doubt that the Nimzovich Defense is one of Black’s most inspiring openings after 1.e4. Black strives to unbalance the position by creating new problems for White from move two, giving himself every opportunity to fight for the initiative from the outset. It is no surprise that 1…Nc6 appeals ambitious players who relish a complicated battle. Teaser [PDF]…
"Usually in the Ruy Lopez Black is looking for long, slow games in solid, closed positions. The Marshall flips this on its head and Black tries to accelerate the play and radically change the character of the game at an early stage." ~ Milos Pavlovic [PDF - TEASER] Milos Pavlovic - The Modernized Marshall Attack
"One thing that (in my opinion) hadn't really been done before is a really thorough look at the Stonewall using modern computer engines (and over a thousand hours of analysis). While the opening is definitely all about understanding, wouldn't you prefer to benefit from some fresh ideas and knowledge of which the best move orders might be, as well as…
"The fact that this opening has become part of a standard repertoire against 1.e4 for many top players such as Rapport, Dubov, Li Chao, Korobov, Gupta, Vovk etc . speaks for itself about the quality and the fascination of the variation and also about the many possibilities it offers. It’s hard to pinpoint the real reasons for this popularity, but…
Do you prefer to avoid symmetrical games against white's 1. d4? And do sharp and complex positions not frighten you? If the answer is yes, the Modernized Dutch Defense might be a worthy surprise weapon to add to your opening repertoire!
"This book is about the practical approach to the game of chess. It shaped me as a player and now I would like to share my philosophy with you. My objective is to combat several generally accepted misconceptions, such as a) only studying opening theory will make you a better player, b) one should always follow the first or second…
"I found the idea to switch sides. By this, I mean to look at games from White’s perspective and then from Black’s. A rather interesting concept, as things often appear quite different, depending on the viewpoint." ~ Christian Bauer Teaser [PDF] - Candidate Moves