Do you prefer to avoid symmetrical games against white's 1. d4? And do sharp and complex positions not frighten you? If the answer is yes, the Modernized Dutch Defense might be a worthy surprise weapon to add to your opening repertoire!
"This book is about the practical approach to the game of chess. It shaped me as a player and now I would like to share my philosophy with you. My objective is to combat several generally accepted misconceptions, such as a) only studying opening theory will make you a better player, b) one should always follow the first or second…
"The current trend, developed in recent years, is for Black to capture on d4 with his e-pawn, aiming for Benoni-type pawn structure positions which lead to rather double-edged positions." ~ Ivan Sokolov
"Contrary to what critical pessimists might say, the Reti opening is an ambitious weapon for White. By avoiding the main theoretical debates, White tries to reach an unbalanced position from an early stage of the game, with many different plans available." ~ Adrien Demuth
"Learning the Najdorf will help all players to understand Sicilians in a better way. Different aspects of chess such as defence, attack and sacrifice, positional themes and tactical storms, can be found in this book." ~ Milos Pavlovic
"With this book, I wanted to revitalise the Benko and show that, although the computer isn’t that happy with Black’s positions in certain lines, his resources are impressive, especially in ‘THE PRACTICAL GAME’, because White will face many difficulties and Black’s counter attacks, no matter how well-prepared he is. Our Beloved Benko is still very much ALIVE!:" ~ Milos Perunovic
Chess is, after all, a game. It’s important to find the best moves. You don’t need to know everything about chess; what you need to know is the right things! This is why children now learn the game more quickly – they get the right information. Even if they don’t know many things, they have the right patterns in their heads!…
King’s Indian was and still is one of my favourite openings that I used for many years in my chess career. Many books were written on the subject but I wanted to attempt not to copy what existed, aiming at a more personal angle and presenting some authentic material that is not known or was never popular for the wrong…