"In this first volume of Cheparinov’s 1.d4! readers will find my own way of working on openings, and the way I analyze. Many of the lines and conclusions in this book are based not only on computer evaluation, but also on the practical point of view. Of course all the lines have been deeply analyzed by strong engines, and although…
"But I am writing for an audience that, by and large, is not interested in chess as a memory contest. So I’m not going to offer you lots of novelties and dense variation trees. On the contrary. The approach is to take the reader into the seemingly impenetrable labyrinth of variations without flinching, but then to base my comments on…
"In my opinion, the Delayed Benoni is a kind of mystery for White also, since it has not been covered deeply enough in chess publications. So I think that this work could be useful for White players, too." ~ Ivan Ivanisevic
"The Berlin Defense is an opening system Priyadharshan Kannappan is very familiar with, and I am very confident that his knowledge will be invaluable to anyone who wants to master this incredibly solid opening." ~ Susan Polgar **Available from 19/11/2019**
"Credit can mostly be given to Kasparov for reviving this old opening, but there are many others who have contributed to exploring new ideas and forging new paths. A lot of discoveries have been made by some young grandmasters who don’t shy away from analysing deep tactical solutions with the aid of the silicon beast." ~ Milos Pavlovic
"The fact that this opening has become part of a standard repertoire against 1.e4 for many top players such as Rapport, Dubov, Li Chao, Korobov, Gupta, Vovk etc . speaks for itself about the quality and the fascination of the variation and also about the many possibilities it offers. It’s hard to pinpoint the real reasons for this popularity, but…
"Waarom het Siciliaans? Zoals we in ons eerste deel van Begrijp wat je doet hebben gesteld, is er niets mis met 1.e4 e5. Dat is tot de dag van vandaag nog steeds zo. Toch blijkt dat het voor sterke spelers, die met zwart tegen een Elozwakkere moeten spelen, soms heel erg lastig is om er een echte strijd van te…
"In the first volume I have annotated 37 games representing different aspects (chapters) of ‘chess middlegame strategies’. In the second volume of my “Chess Middlegame Strategies” series I have decided to focus on this connection between the opening and the middlegame. In the third volume I have taken strategic themes from specific openings and combined these with standard strategies such…
"My aim in this book, as well as its two predecessors, is not only to help you improve your middlegame understanding but to give you new and different ideas/concepts to employ in your own play." ~ Ivan Sokolov
The book before you engages the reader in useful calculations all the while expanding the player’s perception and confidence in a phase of the game where computer theory and preparation are of little value. ~ Alexander Hart
"Clearly there were some triumphs and failures during this period of my chess career, but ultimately I feel that I have left a certain mark on the generation from which the world’s current top players have emerged." ~ Gata Kamsky
Do you prefer to avoid symmetrical games against white's 1. d4? And do sharp and complex positions not frighten you? If the answer is yes, the Modernized Dutch Defense might be a worthy surprise weapon to add to your opening repertoire!
Hans Böhm & Yochanan Afek - The Royal Chess Couple in Action. ISBN 9789492510570. 384 pages. "The Royal Chess Couple is a combined attempt to introduce the various traits of the most significant piece with the most powerful piece on the chessboard." ~ Yochanan Afek Teaser [PDF] - The Royal Chess Couple in Action
Paul van der Sterren - Kings of the Chessboard, 264 pages - ISBN 9789492510532. Teaser [PDF] - Paul van der Sterren - Kings of the Chessboard "This book is about the greatest chess players who ever lived, who dominated their era and were looked upon as World Champions even at a time when this term, this very concept, did not…